About DownUnderCTF Inc.
DownUnderCTF Inc. is the legal entity we formed to help with the logistics of holding a large Capture The Flag (CTF) competition. Run by DownUnderCTF organisers — it enables us to open a bank account, sign contracts with sponsors, pay for prizes, etc.
DownUnderCTF Inc. is
- established since 03 August 2021.
ABN 40 723 993 012
- Australian Business Register
- a Victorian Incorporated Association.
Registration Number A0113470T
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Constitution and Governing Document
- a Not-For-Profit organisation and Charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
- a Tax-Exempt Charity endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
The purpose of the association are to advance the education of Australian university students in Cyber Security by-
- running cyber security competitions;
- producing cyber security resources; and
- supporting cyber security education and students throughout Australia.
Additional documents are available on request.
What is DownUnderCTF?
DownUnderCTF is a world-wide Capture The Flag (CTF) competition targeted at Australian secondary and tertiary students.
Who are we?
DownUnderCTF started as a collaboration between 13 University Cyber Security societies around Australia. Now, we are a mix of University and young IT professionals working together to build Australia’s largest CTF.
Contact us
Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. Our mailing address is
DownUnderCTF Inc.
PO Box 8070
VIC 3800