About DownUnderCTF Inc.

DownUnderCTF Inc. is the legal entity we formed to help with the logistics of holding a large Capture The Flag (CTF) competition. Run by DownUnderCTF organisers — it enables us to open a bank account, sign contracts with sponsors, pay for prizes, etc.

DownUnderCTF Inc. is

The purpose of the association are to advance the education of Australian university students in Cyber Security by-

  1. running cyber security competitions;
  2. producing cyber security resources; and
  3. supporting cyber security education and students throughout Australia.

Additional documents are available on request.

What is DownUnderCTF?

DownUnderCTF is a world-wide Capture The Flag (CTF) competition targeted at Australian secondary and tertiary students.

Who are we?

DownUnderCTF started as a collaboration between 13 University Cyber Security societies around Australia. Now, we are a mix of University and young IT professionals working together to build Australia’s largest CTF.

Contact us

Feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. Our mailing address is

DownUnderCTF Inc.
PO Box 8070
VIC 3800